My avatar

This is my avatar I made this because it looks like me and it has my favorite chomper from a move called the karate kid and I love wearing wight panes and wight t-shirt and shoos and I loved having long hear because I love scaring my sisters by putting my hear on front of my face so I can look like a scare ghost and I pant my shirt into red pant so it looks like blood they push me when I pop out.

100 word challenge

once upon a time there was a man that was called Mr Bean he had 10 tigers and there was a sign that said not aloud to go inside  but he did not care so he went in and there was so many lions inside so all  the lions was walking up to them so the tigers and the lion had a fight and he ran up to get a knife and kill some of the lions and after they killed the lions they ran up to the hill and there was other signs that said lava will rise on you.

my weekend

On the weekend I went to bingo and I got lots of lolly from bingo after that I went to my friends house and me and my friend went to the shop and got new video games and we started playing them and we went back home we eat pizza and lava cake it was so yam it had so mach chocolate inside it and full of chocolate and it was so warm  and on the next day I went to to my coziness house and played some fun games after we played some games we started to go outside and we went on his bike and we listen to loud music.