about my weekend

On the weekend I played on my ps4 and I stayed up and I went to sleep on 1am and I went to my friends house we got so many lolly than we watched a scare movie than played hide and seek and I went back home and played fortnite  and I invited my friend to my fortnite lobby and we got so many kills and won a victory so we invited anther friend to join so we played until it was night time for us than on the next day we got MacDonald and I just watched some YouTube than I had some ice cream and me and my sister went out side and played for a wile than we went back in side and I went back on my PlayStation and went back on fortnite and see if my friend was on line but he was not on line yet so I played myself  than when I went back to lobby than I see him in my lobby than I was so happy so we played and we got anther victory and I went to sleep for school.

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