ODE summer

How I long to see

your beautiful beaches

packed with people.

How I long to feel

your sand pouring down

my hand.

How I long to see

the bright sun shining

down from the sky.

How I long to see

my friend play sports.

Oh summer,when

will you come back

and warm up the earth?


In winter it is cold and people wear their warm close and they can get cold from it.They can freeze your car and you will have to put the heater on so you can get warm.you can become sick from it.Winter is not that fun to go and play and to swim but you can relax and do what you want to do and you play some games inside your house .So winter is not the best for us to play outside but it is fun for you to stay inside.

water cycle

water is a very power full thing in earth it helps us stay alive and grows trees and we can swim in the water and if you spill water on the grease it will go down and become fresh you can drink it and make food with it.The water brings more and more water up but if you wash your car that is full of  mud it will make the water cycle dirty and it teas so disgusting it will probably make you sick.